where's the line that says "don't cross this"? ss_blog_claim=1aa95fdb351af737718df98bcdffff9f ss_blog_claim=1aa95fdb351af737718df98bcdffff9f


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So I've had this idea for a while to leave notes on the windshields of cars by my work.
The idea came about because I found (on the ground) a note that said something like
sorry I missed you this morning. Let's meet up tonight at your house, ok?
I'll bring wine"

I thought it would be really funny if someone named Nichole found it and thought it was for her.
So I deiced to engineer the situation.

Below is a list of mistaken notes, to be written on an index card and placed on a random windshield outside of my work downtown.
Each note is designed to solicit a different sense of confusion, or surprise.

the one with the most voted gets used.

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