Last night, I got a call in the early evening.
typically, I'd be at school, but I was home from school, so it was a coincidence that I was able to answer.
The call was from "Nick" from SoundlessArt.com, a Seattle publication celebrating art for the hearing impaired.
so "Nick", being hearing impaired, was using an IP Relay service, or TDD device, in which "Nick" types, and an operator relays the message to me, and types back my responses to "Nick".
"Nick" seems to know a lot about me, and has some pretty interesting questions to ask, and it was a bit strange giving an interview with such a clumsy means of communication.
You're also probably wondering why I keep putting "Nick"'s name in quotes.
Well -- go to the soundless art site and read the article.
I got punk'd hard.
typically, I'd be at school, but I was home from school, so it was a coincidence that I was able to answer.
The call was from "Nick" from SoundlessArt.com, a Seattle publication celebrating art for the hearing impaired.
so "Nick", being hearing impaired, was using an IP Relay service, or TDD device, in which "Nick" types, and an operator relays the message to me, and types back my responses to "Nick".
"Nick" seems to know a lot about me, and has some pretty interesting questions to ask, and it was a bit strange giving an interview with such a clumsy means of communication.
You're also probably wondering why I keep putting "Nick"'s name in quotes.
Well -- go to the soundless art site and read the article.
I got punk'd hard.
Libellés : mischief
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