where's the line that says "don't cross this"? ss_blog_claim=1aa95fdb351af737718df98bcdffff9f ss_blog_claim=1aa95fdb351af737718df98bcdffff9f


The Mystery Note -- Paris

Ok, so this has been a long time coming (thanks).
This MN was performed and written in Paris by your friend Corine St.Ofle.

Here's what Corine has to say:
(click on the photos to make them big)
dear mystery note lovers,

for the paris edition of the mystery note, also known as mystery note v -- or mystery note/ paris -- i decided to also conduct a little experiment. the premise was the following: how long does it take for an asshole to realize they're parked like an asshole?

so when i saw this champion parked under my window...

i thought, "marvelous!!" (note: the car is not only parked on the corner, but it's also taking up half of the pedestrian crossing. where are the laws when you need them?)

this mystery note was a lot like a james bond challenge. with two embassies around, and an ultra nosy concierge, there were a lot of scrutinizing eyes to dodge.

here's the note, translated into french.

the original sentence was "your car is fat like an american." in the french version, however, i added a polite formula at the bottom that read, "but have a good day anyway." this could be reason for disqualification. i'll leave it up to the master of the mystery note, richard st.ofle.
also, here is a picture with the mystery note on the windshield:

once i displayed the note, i ran home to the window, because surely, i thought, someone who's parked like such a selfish asshole would have to just be running a short errand. wrong.

two hours later, when i had pretty much lost all interest in the assholes and subsequently life in general, they finally showed up. by they, i mean the two middle-aged women whose vehicle that was. and by middle-aged, i mean "probably old."

sadly, i was caught off guard, and couldn't get a decent shot. so here's my best one:

you really can't see that from the photograph, but the driver-lady picked up the note, read it, then put it on her dashboard (which i could see from my vantage point), as opposed to tearing it to shredds as i had hoped. oh well. so that's what happens to the mystery note when it's in paris.

this has been the latest volume of the mystery note. thank you for your patronage, mystery note lovers.

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6 commentaires:

Blogger Simbarashe a dit...

You should've spent the entire day writing notes that somehow would pertain to 'fat americans' and littered all sorts of cars with them. I'm thinking You Tube clips next time.

28 janvier, 2008 09:53  
Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

The next time you plant a silly note on a car you should ask yourself, "why do I hate america so much?"

You know how many carbs are in a baggett? Give it time... we'll see whos fat...

30 janvier, 2008 10:56  
Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

Hello "Geebs".
Perhaps the next time you post a note on a blog, you should read the whole thing first.

30 janvier, 2008 11:10  
Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

Ce commentaire a été supprimé par un administrateur du blog.

30 janvier, 2008 11:13  
Blogger Richard St.Ofle a dit...

The next time you plant a silly note on my blog, you should ask yourself "am I being tricked here?" or "am I wasting my time?"

or even:
"why do I live in Akron Ohio?"

31 janvier, 2008 11:12  
Anonymous Anonyme a dit...

Come On


09 juin, 2010 16:04  

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